Piano Daily Challenge
Daily guide for piano technique
Service Description
Daily guide for piano technique Discuss the fundamentals of playing keyboard, demonstrate exercises for each weekly task, assess and recommend student in a class session online. week 1 daily piano challenge link below to join https://www.likharia.com/challenge-page/48cbd972-b429-469c-863b-921d43387598 You may book first for free trial session for further guidance. link here https://bit.ly/MusicDiscoveryfreetrialsession Maximum of 10 participants, 1 hour. If at least two participants come, the session will take only 30 minutes. Recommended for adult beginner ages 13 and above
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
If an inevitable circumstances such as an emergency, calamity, or acts of nature occurred... If you need to cancel or reschedule a class, please call us right away.