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"My son is enjoying his cello lessons and he looks forward to it every Saturday. i can see improvements every week. My son has special needs but he was greatly motivated by Teacher Shelly's teaching style or technique. she is a very patient and kind teacher."


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How To Read Notes (Beginner Piano Lesson)

How To Read Notes (Beginner Piano Lesson)

Try Pianote FREE for 7 days 🔥🎹 Click here: Sight-reading has never come easily to me. I’ve struggled with it from the beginning. At one point in my early piano years, I had to repeat an entire level because my teacher realized I’d learned nothing. I was hearing her demonstrate the song and then playing from memory, never actually knowing how to read the notes! Along the way, I’ve learned some things that have made sight-reading much easier for me, which I'll share in this lesson. As you watch, keep in mind that some people will naturally find sight-reading easier than others. Those of us with strong ears and the natural ability to play without music tend to struggle the most when it comes to reading notation. The reverse is also true for those who are strong sight-readers. Strong sight-readers will often have trouble playing by ear. The important thing to keep in mind is that we all have our own unique strengths and weaknesses and we need to celebrate both. Enjoy the lesson! Watch Part 2 HERE: ► ⚡️Chapters: 0:00 Intro 1:07 The Treble Clef 3:10 Middle 'C' 6:15 The Bass Clef 7:40 Lesson Review ⚡️Check out our FREE piano courses Getting Started (your first lessons): Chord Hacks (chording): Sight-Reading Made Simple: ⚡️Follow us: ► Instagram ► Facebook ► Tiktok #readmusic #sheetmusic #musictheory #piano #pianolesson ⚡️Follow Lisa: ► Instagram: ABOUT LISA: Lisa Witt has been teaching piano for +20 years and in that time has helped hundreds of thousands of students learn to play the songs they love. Lisa received classical piano training through the Royal Conservatory of Music, but she has since embraced popular music and playing by ear in order to accompany herself and others. She is a songwriter and recording artist. Lisa’s contagious enthusiasm will have you excited to practice and return to the keys for your next lesson. Her teaching style focuses on you, making lessons encouraging and fun. #pianolessons #pianote #pianotutorial #pianolesson #pianoteacher #onlinepiano
How to read SHEET MUSIC? Key Signatures, Time Signatures, Notes & Rests! (Beginner Piano Lessons #9)

How to read SHEET MUSIC? Key Signatures, Time Signatures, Notes & Rests! (Beginner Piano Lessons #9)

(Beginner Piano Lessons #9) This piano lesson is designed for BEGINNERS. You’ll learn how to read piano sheet music. This video explains the basics of: 🔶Key Signatures and Accidentals ◽Sharps (♯) ◽Flats (♭) ◽Natural Signs (♮) 🔶Time Signatures ◽4/4 ◽3/4 ◽2/4 🔶Rhythm 🔶Notes ◽Quarter Notes / Crotchets ◽Half Notes / Minims ◽Whole Notes / Semibreves ◽Eighth Notes / Quavers ◽16th Notes / Semiquavers ◽32nd Notes / Demisemiquavers ◽64th Notes / Hemidemisemiquavers ◽Dotted Half Notes / Dotted Minims 🔶Rests ◽Quarter / Crotchet Rests ◽Half / Minim Rests ◽Whole / Semibreve Rests ◽Eighth / Quaver Rests ◽16th / Semiquaver Rests ◽32nd / Demisemiquaver Rests ◽64th / Hemidemisemiquaver Rests Subtitles are available in English and Chinese. Click ‘Settings’, ‘Subtitles/CC’, and select your own language. SUBSCRIBE and click the notification belt so you don’t miss one of my lessons. I’d love to meet you! Learn the songs you love on piano: Buy me a coffee: #ReadSheetMusic #PianoLessons #BeginnerPianoLessons #FreePianoLessons #Music #MusicTheory #MusicNotation #KeySignatures #TimeSignatures #Rhythm #MusicNoteAndRestValues #如何看五線譜 #如何看琴譜 #如何看鋼琴譜 #如何看樂譜 #鋼琴教學 #鋼琴基礎入門 #初學者 #初級 #免費鋼琴課 #自學鋼琴 #音樂 #樂理 #教育

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